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Which means well-being?

Pleasant state resulting from the satisfaction of the body's needs and mental calm

Education and training should be oriented not only towards the development of skills throughout life, but also towards the development of people.

Well-being, unlike happiness, is generally accompanied by a physical component (cause or effect)


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How and where to entertain a multiple brain?

Watch V education

It is generally known that children should not spend more than 1 hour to 2 hours in front of a screen

For this reason it is sufficient to watch a short educational video.


There are also informational channels that can help brain development.
In the same way, it helps that at the end of each video the child is consulted on the subject of it in order to know if he has managed to understand what was broadcast.

Here you can find some videos of our selection.

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Books are the first support in the history of education . The few bookstores and libraries have become limitations for access to these. Which is why Digital Libraries have now been created, providing complete content to readers.

Here we provide you with direct access to our Online Library where you can download your favorite books for Free

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Types of Learning

We talk about the way to make or receive information to increase the knowledge of a person. You don't need to be gifted. The course is adapted according to the students. There are 3 main types of learning.

* active learning

* passive learning

* self learning

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The recipes of pleasure

I think we all have good memories of our parents' recipes, and especially if we have participated in the realization.

That is the idea of ​​this page. The children should have a share in the realization of the little recipes. The high capacity also passes in the realization to your hands, to learn, creativity with food or to make an exceptional presentation.

That is without limit of imagination.

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Serene and fun walks

A good family outing, the best break for everyone. A moment to share, exercise or discover new things.

For a child of high ability, finding a place to rest the spirit is very important.

Avoid places with noise, loud music or places with a bad smell. It should be understood that for a spirit with many activities, noise is a form of aggression on the brain.

We all seek the tranquility of nature, more for a high capacity. Go here


The games

The benefits of the games are manifold. Each age has its type of game.

A board game or video game must be used, the purpose must be the same. A pedagogical interest.

For video games that have a bad reputation, you should select games that need thought, strategy or knowledge. Also, to limit playing time to avoid addiction. .

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