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apoyo a Ucrania

The confusion between doubt and genius is a classic.

The general public imagines, wrongly, that a gifted person is an exceptional person, who performs feats, who will leave a trace in history. This misunderstanding between people, rare indeed, who excel in a targeted field (without necessarily being + 130 IQ!) And those + 130 IQ that do not necessarily excel is commonplace.

Doubt is actually frequent, affecting 2.3% of the population when a total IQ of 130 is retained, and 5% if a threshold of 125 is taken.

So we have one in 40 people , which is "weird."

Origin and history of the test
WESCHLER intelligence

Any measuring instrument has general properties which are sensitivity, fidelity and validity. The specific properties of a test are standardization and calibration (the note is not interpreted, it becomes a row). Any psychological test must measure what it is supposed to measure. It should be independent, as far as possible, of situational and temporal factors.


How WESCHLER finds the method we currently use. Read here


It is the confirmation that human society likes to test and classify. Depending on the classification, personal evolution changes. Of course, we want the best for our children, but their well-being comes first.

The CUMANIN test.
May be the start of high capacity detection
The 6 types of children with
high capacity.
The basis for beginning to understand behavior.
Are online IQ tests
Valid or not?
It depends on how you do these tests!

A psychological evaluation in front of a professional is the guarantee of respect for the conditions and the neutrality of development.
Emotional factors are reduced and the validity of the tests is better. This is undeniable!


The evaluation is only valid before a psychologist, and you should wait 2 years to repeat it, to avoid affecting memory.
As a hobby, and to play, I pass the IQ tests online. Depending on my mood, the results range from 128 to 139. But it is true that they do not reflect my true IQ at all. Also, I don't recognize myself in a number.


BE CAREFUL not to confuse an IQ test, and a detection of the high capacity signs that are on this site. Do here


Neuropsychological maturity is defined as the level of organization and maturational development that allows the development of cognitive and behavioral functions according to the chronological age of the subject (Portellano, Mateos & Martínez, 2000)

Cu estionary of Ma Durez N europsicológica tality In (CUMANIN) is a valid and reliable instrument for assessing the maturity neuropsychological construct preschool population. Read more here


The funniest topic for me but with a disturbing side. I do not question the test, but the manner of the psychologist.
My three-year-old daughter took this test last year: two mornings with the psychologist. When I picked up the report, I had to fill it out to get it correct. I respectfully wrote to the psychologist who confirmed my corrections.

Sorry I'm "gifted" anyway.

It is better to identify them beforehand to be able to implement the adaptations and assistance in case your profile requires it.
It will be much easier to help a young high-ability child, before problems settle in time and self-esteem too damaged, rather than a high-ability teenager who has never learned to work.


Like Georges Betts and Maureen Neihart do all 6 guys. Read here


The most personal part because I can recognize myself in various types.
All this is more complicated than it seems. Also, I don't like classifications too much, because it's hard to go out, remove the label.


Precocious children are not quite children like others, but like others, they are children.



Doctor Olivier REVOL,

child psychiatrist.

the gifted do high studies and then have exceptional trades



Contrary to popular beliefs, giftedness has nothing to do with school and / or social success. It does not guarantee a certain route, a path that would lead to the highest positions.

I once had an early intellectual student: he only had good grades and was a model student



Once again, a classic thrown into the figure of many gifted parents when the child does not fit the stereotype of the gifted child, perfectly schooled and deeply rooted in the mold of institutions. The cliché of the "gifted first of the class" is very tenacious and difficult to combat

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